Halloween Advent Calendar

Every year we look forward to advent calendars at Christmas, but lately we have enjoyed them even at Halloween time. There’s something extra fun about thinking ahead and adding a touch of magic to things you were already going to do anyways, such as: visiting a pumpkin patch…why not put a corn maze admission voucher on a cute note inside one of your goodie bags or say “you get two pumpkins of your choice!” I like to add trinkets, little Halloween accessories, small treats and pencils, etc. to the calendar. It could be an activities only calendar like: “let’s bake pumpkin muffins after school” if you cringe at the idea of a small gift for 31 days. Again, it doesn’t have to be daily, if you prefer.

I found using little brown paper bags was an inexpensive way to house all the fun. I painted little ghosts and some were decorated, while some were plain ghosts. I numbered them 1-31 and hung clothesline from one wreath hook to another. I draped a cheap piece of cream netted fabric from the Dollar Tree around the line, and used clothes pins to attach the baggies. I also stuffed the baggies with crumpled white paper from the wrapping section of the Dollar Tree to add a bit of fluff to the items.

I got out my craft bin and used old yarns to make pom poms, and glitter ribbons and fabrics to make witch hats, and sweet details with hot glue. This added a bit of charm to them. Here are some of the things I put inside. I plan to reuse the baggies next year!

I also put a note about a surprise camp-out just to make it extra exciting! See it doesn’t have to be commercialized, and it can just contain sweet notes and Fall-ish things to do with your family! If you are just getting inspired to do this, I recommend making one for the last half of the month or just start whenever you get it made. Enjoy creating sweet Halloween fun with your family for all of October!

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